Products description
11/09/2024Braun shaver electricnik / electricnik unit / circuit board / PCB module mit 5 LED for shaver Series5(Typ 5751) model 560, 560-3 (SOLO - models)530, 530s-3, 530s-4, 550, 550s-4, 550cc, 560, 560s-3, 570cc, 590cc, 590cc-3mit fast ladefunctionunterstützt jedoch keine charging stationshaver razor pcb electronic board electronic with 5LEDRecommended products:
22,90 EUR19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costsfrom 19,95 EURunit price 21,90 EUR19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costsCustomers who bought this product also bought the following products: